The agricultural is very important segment of economy in different parts of the World. The 70% of economy of India depends on agriculture. The company has its focus on Research and Development for the accessories for tractors and agricultural implements.
The facilities of forgings, castings and sheet metal along with the paint facility and zinc plating plants in Ludhiana (India). These are following products in which we have gained experience and expertise in this field.
Harrow Disc and Coulters
The company has facility for 14” to 28” harrow disc and coulters which are manufactured with Boron Steel and Carbon Steel with HRC 46-50 and 38-42 respectively. These can be produced in any type of shape, concavity, thickness and axle type depending on the requirement of the customer.
Harvester, Cultivator, Rotovator Blades for different type like L,C,J and based on fully and circumference hardness with different thickness of 7 mm, 9 mm and 15 mm and blade angel for effective cutting of the harvest.
Three Point Linkage System and its parts for any type of the tractor and its implements. The equilibrium and balance assembly which help us develop the product as per the requirement of the country and customer.
Process of development of the Products
The product development of the process by discussion with the clients for its product, drawing and material. In the process of the product, a right product quality of the material, process and cost of product which is acceptable in the International markets.
The client is request to send the drawings with the critical dimensions and material for the quality parameters. After preparing the analysis report, the complete process is prepared for the product.
Quality Standards: The company ensures that the quality parameters of the product with incoming material, process of the product and finished product. Therefore, every stage is covered through the quality of the product.
Please find below the catalogue of the products: